Eleven Neighborhoods
My Realtor
Rhonda Evans
Phone: 281-382-5067
Email: rhonda.evans05@gmail.com
201 N Washington Ave
Make a Local Impact! Your choices matter in supporting local businesses and vendors for a thriving neighborhood where unity flourishes, and everyone's well-being is uplifted.
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About Eleven Neighborhoods
Here’s the thing about Stapleton. It’s not about houses, but the people who live in them. With all 19,000+ Stapleton residents and more than 100 business owners each adding their own touch, Stapleton has become a community that celebrates a diverse mix of uses. Each Stapleton neighborhood has its own unique style. Whether you’re looking for bold, ultra-modern designs close to shops, restaurants and events or an urban estate overlooking grassy expanses, there’s a home here for you. Wherever you are in Stapleton there are two things you can count on: a sense of community and access to the great outdoors. Our porches, balconies and courtyards invite you to step outside and say hello to your friendly neighborhood teacher or favorite pup. And the feel of the sun on your skin may just inspire you to take advantage of our 50+ parks, 38+ miles of trails and expansive open spaces. So stop by and say hello. Schedule a tour, share your dream house with friends or just come take a cruise through the neighborhood. We think you’ll like what you see.